语法专题: 对划线部分提问详解及练习

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语法专题: 对划线部分提问详解及练习

2024-07-07 21:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

There is sometea in the cup. ---How muchtea is there in the cup ?

9、划线部分是“多少钱”,特殊疑问词用how much 

eg:This book isten yuan. ---How muchis this book ?


Eg:That is myshirt . ---Whose shirt is that ?   

The pen is yours. ---Whose is the pen ?


形容词性物主代词如 my your her 解释为“我的” “你的” “她的”和一般的形容词的形式一样都是“……的”

名词性物主代词 如 mine yours hers ”我的……” “你的……” “她的……” 在“的”后面加上名词构成名词短语,不就和一般的名词形式一样了么










1.问“谁”用who; 2.问“谁的”,用whose;

3.问“地点哪里”,用where; 4.问“原因”,用why;

5.问“身体状况”,用how; 6.问“方式”,用how;

7.问“年龄”,用how old; 8.问“多少”,用how many;

9.问"价钱”用how much; 10.问“哪一个”,用which ;

11.问“什么”,用what; 12.问“职业”,用what;

13.问“颜色”,用what colour;

14.问“星期”,用what day;

15.问什么学科,用what subject;


17.问几点用What’s the time?或 What time is it?


1.My mother goes to work by bike.

_____ ______ your mother ______ to work?

2.That is a map of France. _______ map is that?

3.The bag of rice is ten kilos.

_______ _______ _______ the bag of rice?

4. I think Chinese food is very nice.

_______ do you ______ _____ Chinese food?

5.The students like their teacher very much.

______ do the students ______ their teacher?

6.His house is very big.  

______ ______ his house _______ ?

7.There are six kitesin the sky. ______ in the sky?

8.He lives in Room 306.   

______ ______ ______ he ______ in?

9.She looks worried because she can't find her dog.

______ _______ she ______ worried?

10.It takes himhalf an hourto write the e-mail.

______ _______ _______ it ______ him to write the e-mail?

11.Classes begin at eight.  ______ _______ _______classes ________?

12.I want to buy three kilos ofmeat.

_____ _______ _______ do you want to buy?

13.His uncle isa businessman.   

_______ _____ his uncle _______?

14.The orangedress is Kate's.   

_______ _______ is Kate's?

15.It's Sundaytoday.   

_______ _______ is it today?

16.The cats are running up the tree.   

_______ are the cats _________ ?

17.Jim's plane is broken.

________ ________ _______ Jim's plane?

18.He would like fivecakes.  

________ ________ _______ would he like ?

19.They play football every Friday.  

________ ________ they play football?

20.The man in brownis Tom's father.   

________ ________ is Tom's father?


1.How does, go 2.What 3.How heavy is 4.What, think of 5.How, like 6.What is, like 7.What's 8.Which room does, live 9.Why does, look 10.How long does, take 11.What time do, begin 12.How much meat 13.What does, do 14.Which dress 15.What day 16.Where,running 17.What's wrong with 18.How many cakes 19.When do 20.Which man


标签:英语提升 对划线部分提问





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